oprah winfrey
13 produits trouvés
Ces perles de sagesse sont maintenant révisées, actualisées, colligées et présentées dans ce livre, un livre merveilleusement riche en réflexions pertinentes et en révélations provenant d'Oprah Winfrey.
Organisés de manière thématique (la joie, la résilience, les relations, la gratitude, les possibilités, l'émerveillement, la clarté et le pouvoir) , ces essais offrent un aperçu rare et puissant de l'esprit d'une des femmes les plus extraordinaires au monde. Candides, émouvants, exaltants, édifiants et dynamiques, les propos qu'Oprah tient dans "Ce dont je suis certaine" font miroiter un genre de sagesse et de vérité auquel les lecteurs reviendront sans cesse. -
Oprah Winfrey
- Bluebird
- 28 Avril 2022
- 9781529068504
Oprah Winfrey and renowned brain development and trauma expert, Dr Bruce Perry, discuss the impact of trauma and adverse experiences and how healing must begin with a shift to asking ''What happened to you?'' rather than ''What''s wrong with you?''. Through wide-ranging and often deeply personal conversation, Oprah Winfrey and Dr Perry explore how what happens to us in early childhood - both good and bad - influences the people we become. They challenge us to shift from focusing on ''What''s wrong with you?'' or ''Why are you behaving that way?'' to asking ''What happened to you?''. This simple change in perspective can open up a new and hopeful understanding for millions about why we do the things we do, why we are the way we are, providing a road map for repairing relationships, overcoming what seems insurmountable, and ultimately living better and more fulfilling lives. Many of us experience adversity and trauma during childhood that has lasting impact on our physical and emotional health. And as we''re beginning to understand, we are more sensitive to developmental trauma as children than we are as adults. ''What happened to us'' in childhood is a powerful predictor of our risk for physical and mental health problems down the road, and offers scientific insights into the patterns of behaviours so many struggle to understand. A survivor of multiple childhood challenges herself, Oprah Winfrey shares portions of her own harrowing experiences because she understands the vulnerability that comes from facing trauma at a young age. Throughout her career, Oprah has teamed up with Dr Bruce Perry, one of the world''s leading experts on childhood trauma. He has treated thousands of children, youth, and adults and has been called on for decades to support individuals and communities following high-profile traumatic events. Now, Oprah joins forces with Dr Perry to marry the power of storytelling with the science and clinical experience to better understand and overcome the effects of trauma. In conversation throughout the book, the two focus on understanding people, behaviour, and ourselves in the context of personal experiences. They remove blame and self-shaming, and open up a space for healing and understanding. It''s a subtle but profound shift in our approach to trauma, and it''s one that allows us to understand our pasts in order to clear a path to our future - opening the door to resilience and healing in a proven, powerful way. Grounded in the latest brain science and brought to life through compelling narratives, this book shines a light on a much-needed path to recovery - showing us our incredible capacity to transform after adversity.
Grand format 24.95 €
La sagesse du dimanche ; leçons spirituelles tirées de l'émission Super Soul Sunday
Oprah Winfrey
- Un Monde Different
- 17 Septembre 2020
- 9782924973127
Les moments d'inspiration qui ont éclairé des millions de personnes lors de la présentation des épisodes de Super Soul Sunday, lauréate de trois Emmy Awards, sont pour la première fois réunis dans La Sagesse du dimanche, un livre que vous chérirez et qui vous touchera profondément.
Chacun des dix chapitres débute par l'introduction d'Oprah et présente des étapes importantes de son propre cheminement spirituel. Inspirant à souhait, vous y puiserez une sélection des conversations les plus significatives qu'Oprah a eues avec certains des grands leaders de notre époque selon leur expertise respective. Des visionnaires tels que Tony Robins, Arianna Huffington et Shonda Rhimes partageront avec vous la façon de trouver votre raison d'être. Des professeurs renommés tels Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson et Wayne Dyer vous rappelleront les relations complexes que vous entretenez avec l'ego, sans oublier l'importance des pouvoirs de guérison de l'amour et des relations. De même que des auteures best-sellers telles que Cheryl Strayed, Elizabeth Gilbert et Elizabeth Lesser qui, elles, explorent le pardon et l'importance du lâcher-prise.
Agrémentée de plus de 100 magnifiques photos, dont certaines furent prises sur la propriété d'Oprah en Californie où les épisodes de Super Soul Sunday sont tournés, La Sagesse du dimanche promet de devenir un souvenir intemporel qui aidera les lecteurs à s'éveiller aux merveilleuses possibilités de la vie. Le grand mythologue, auteur et philosophe américain Joseph Campbell a dit un jour : « Le privilège de toute une vie est d'être qui on est. » J'espère que "La Sagesse du dimanche" illuminera votre chemin vers la réalisation de ce que vous êtes destiné à être.
B>Candid, moving, exhilarating, uplifting, and frequently humorous, the words Oprah shares in What I Know For Sure shimmer with the sort of truth that readers will turn to again and again./b>As a creative force, student of the human heart and soul, and champion of living the life you want, Oprah Winfrey stands alone. Over the years, she has made history with a legendary talk show (the highest-rated program of its kind), launched her own television network, become the USA's only African-American billionaire, and been awarded both an honorary degree by Harvard University and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. From all her experiences, she has gleaned life lessons - which, for fourteen years, she's shared in O, The Oprah Magazine's widely popular 'What I Know For Sure' column, a monthly source of inspiration and revelation.Now, for the first time, these thoughtful gems have been revised, updated, and collected in What I Know For Sure, a beautiful book with a ribbon marker, packed with insight and revelation from Oprah Winfrey. Organized by theme - joy, resilience, connection, gratitude, possibility, awe, clarity, and power - these essays offer a rare, powerful and intimate glimpse into the heart and mind of one of the world's most extraordinary women, while providing readers a guide to becoming their best selves.
Oprah Winfrey and renowned brain development and trauma expert, Dr. Bruce Perry, discuss the impact of trauma and adverse experiences and how healing must begin with a shift to asking, ''what happened to you?'' rather than ''what''s wrong with you?'' Through wide-ranging, and often deeply personal conversation, Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Perry explore how what happens to us in early childhood - both good and bad - influences the people we become. They challenge us to shift from focusing on, ''What''s wrong with you?'' or ''Why are you behaving that way?,'' to asking, ''What happened to you?'' This simple change in perspective can open up a new and hopeful understanding for millions about why we do the things we do, why we are the way we are, providing a road map for repairing relationships, overcoming what seems insurmountable, and ultimately living better and more fulfilling lives. Many of us experience adversity and trauma during childhood that has lasting impact on our physical and emotional health. And as we''re beginning to understand, we are more sensitive to developmental trauma as children than we are as adults. ''What happened to us'' in childhood is a powerful predictor of our risk for physical and mental health problems down the road, and offers scientific insights in to the patterns of behaviors so many struggle to understand. A survivor of multiple childhood challenges herself, Oprah Winfrey shares portions of her own harrowing experiences because she understands the vulnerability that comes from facing trauma at a young age. Throughout her career, Oprah has teamed up with Dr. Bruce Perry, one of the world''s leading experts on childhood trauma. He has treated thousands of children, youth, and adults and has been called on for decades to support individuals and communities following high-profile traumatic events. Now, Oprah joins forces with Dr. Perry to marry the power of storytelling with the science and clinical experience to better understand and overcome the effects of trauma. In conversation throughout the book, the two focus on understanding people, behavior, and ourselves in the context of personal experiences. They remove blame and self-shaming, and open up a space for healing and understanding. It''s a subtle but profound shift in our approach to trauma, and it''s one that allows us to understand our pasts in order to clear a path to our future - opening the door to resilience and healing in a proven, powerful way. Grounded in the latest brain science and brought to life through compelling narratives, this book shines a light on a much-needed path to recovery - showing us our incredible capacity to transform after adversity.
Oprah Winfrey
- Macmillan
- 23 Février 2017
- 9781509850853
B>Oprah Winfrey has spent her life trying to make peace with food, which has been such a source of pleasure and meaning for her. Now Oprah has found ways to have her favourite meals while also controlling her weight, and in Food, Health and Happiness she shares not only her struggles with food but also the recipes that have allowed food to be a source of joy for her again. /b>With help from the chefs who have cooked for her over the years such as Rosie Daley, Art Smith, Mei Lin, Taryn Huebner and Sonny Sweetman, this is an extraordinarily personal cookbook while also being an invitation to Oprah's many fans to eat both healthfully and happily. From simple pleasures such as 'Unfried Chicken' or 'Turkey Chilli' to such celebrations of freshness as 'Farro With Peas, Asparagus, Pesto and Cured Olives' and 'Chilean Sea Bass with Lemon Fennel Chutney', this is food as it should be: a source of happiness, a ritual to be shared, a celebration of life.
Vous pouvez être plus heureux. Y parvenir sera l'aventure de votre vie.
Savez-vous que le bonheur repose sur quatre piliers ? La famille, l'amitié, le travail et la foi : c'est tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour être heureux. Oprah Winfrey et Arthur C. Brooks le démontrent dans cet ouvrage. En se basant sur de nombreuses recherches en sciences sociales, ils vous donnent toutes les clés pour devenir l'acteur de votre propre bonheur. -
Se libérer de nos traumatismes : comprendre son passé pour reconstruire sa vie
Fabrice Midal, Oprah Winfrey, Bruce D. Perry
- Pocket Evolution
- 16 Février 2023
- 9782266326100
Comprendre les traumatismes du passé pour reconstruire nos vies...
Près de 50 % des individus ont vécu au moins une expérience traumatisante significative. Mais nous ne savons toujours pas prendre en compte au quotidien l'impact de ces fractures émotionnelles et de ces liens brisés dans nos vies. Le Dr Bruce D. Perry, l'un des plus grands spécialistes au monde du trauma, explique dans ce livre pourquoi les victimes de traumatismes sont plus enclines à toutes les formes de dépendance, de peur et d'anxiété.
En dialoguant avec Oprah Winfrey, qui témoigne de ses propres blessures, le Dr Bruce D. Perry explique comment le trauma façonne notre cerveau, et quelles sont les approches qui peuvent vraiment faire la différence.
Un livre événement qui vous permettra enfin de vous comprendre, de prendre soin de vous et de vous apaiser profondément. -
Vous éprouvez des difficultés à communiquer, vous ne savez pas dire non, vous ne maîtrisez pas toujours vos pulsions... et vous en arrivez à ce constat : Quel est mon problème ? Il est grand temps pour vous d'interroger votre passé et de vous poser la bonne question : Que m'est-il arrivé ?
La charismatique Oprah Winfrey et le neuroscientifique Bruce D. Perry abordent, dans le cadre d'un entretien exceptionnel, l'impact des traumatismes de l'enfance sur notre vie d'adulte. Ensemble, ils explorent la façon dont nous avons construit des mécanismes de défense inappropriés qui nuisent à nos relations et à notre santé. Car non, il n'y a pas de fatalité, et oui, nous pouvons guérir de nos maux. S'appuyant sur sa propre expérience et les blessures intimes subies dans sa jeunesse, Oprah nous démontre mieux que quiconque que cette vulnérabilité peut devenir une force.
Changer d'approche pour mieux comprendre notre passé et inventer notre avenir.Grand format 18.95 €Indisponible
Arthur C Brooks, Oprah Winfrey
- Portfolio
- 12 Septembre 2023
- 9780593716250
You When times are good, this is easy to believe. But sometimes lifes hardships can feel like impossible barriers, making happiness seem out of reach. In these times, the only way to get happier is to wait and hope things get better. Right?