Barry Michels
La Méthode Tools : Les outils pour transformer vos difficultés en confiance en soi, joie de vivre et force intérieure
Phil Stutz, Barry Michels
- Pocket Evolution
- 16 Mai 2024
- 9782266346405
Les outils pour transformer vos difficultés en confiance en soi, joie de vivre et force intérieure.
Alors que le modèle thérapeutique traditionnel est centré sur le passé, un travail sur soi, souvent long, Phil Stutz et Barry Michels proposent des solutions immédiates et efficaces. L'objectif : changer sa vie au quotidien en se réappropriant cinq nouveaux outils pour sortir de sa zone de confort, dépasser le labyrinthe de la colère, surmonter le manque irrationnel de confiance, se libérer du nuage noir des pensées négatives et savoir quels risques prendre... Vous serez tout aussi étonné des exercices proposés que de leurs profonds effets sur votre vie. -
Can you imagine what your life would be like if you could tap into a new source of power - one that has been inside you all along - to solve your own problems and become the master of your life? This title presents a psychological model based on the proven methods of Hollywood's greatest psychotherapists.
From the international bestselling authors of THE TOOLS and GOOP's resident psychotherapists comes a ground-breaking new book to help us overcome the side of us that is destructive and negative to find a deep level of happiness and fulfilment.
Just as we are all motivated and driven by a positive desire to be our best, live by our values and to follow our dreams, so too are we all held back by a negative, destructive and fear-driven side of ourselves. It is this part of us that compromises our ability to realise our potential and be truly happy - the side of us that the authors called our Part X.
We all have a Part X and we cannot get rid of it, but we can learn to manage it with the help of the four simple tools in this book. When we do this we free ourselves from whatever is holding us back to create a fulfilled life and anything we want or need to achieve becomes truly possible. The four tools in this book help break Part X's four main negative influences in our lives, namely:
- Destructive impulses - Exhaustion and apathy - Negative thoughts and demoralisation - Pain and hurt COMING ALIVE is an inspiring, practical book to help us wake up to how we are being held back in life and to energise us to finally achieve our full potential.